• Rooted in the LES since 1982

  • "Where sin abounds, grace abounds more." - Romans 5:20

Advent Conspiracy 2015

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This Christmas we invite you to:

Worship Fully​- because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus!
Spend Less​- and free your resources for things that truly matter.
Give More​- of your presence: your hands, your words, your time, your heart!
Love All​- the poor, the forgotten, the marginalized, the sick, in ways that make a difference.

What if Christmas was no longer about stuff?

What if this Christmas we could spend less, give more, worship fully, and love all? What if Christmas could, once again, change the world?

Download Advent Conspiracy Family Guide here>>>

For more information on Advent Conspiracy go to their website here: www.adventconspiracy.org